
Snack Cruise and Board Games


Come play in an exceptional setting and enjoy a gourmet moment. 1h30 of navigation on the Garonne aboard "L'Hermine" with a snack basket composed of products rigorously selected by the Tonka delicatessen (drink included). An entertainer from the Ludothèque Éphémère offers you different board games on board.
Reservation required, places limited.
Guaranteed departure whatever the number of people.

Commented walk of approximately 1h30 on the Garonne with the presence on board of a guide from the Ludothèque Éphémère. Board games. Snack basket composed of products rigorously selected by the Tonka delicatessen (drink included).

Information about the stay

Product validity detail

Departure 15:30 p.m., return around 17 p.m.: 11/07, 25/07, 10/08, 22/08.
Departure at 16 p.m., return around 17:30 p.m.: 08/08.

To discover


€15 child 6 to 12 years old. Free under 6 years old.