
Roller ride: Parc de Monsalut in Cestas

Distance: 1,5 km
Strolling along
Duration: 25 mn
Difficulty : Very easy
with wheels
Duration: 40 mn
Difficulty : Easy-to-use
Elevation: 25 D +
Around water (canal, stream, lake, marsh, ...)
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There's nothing like going for a family walk in natural parks and breathing fresh air and why not go fishing.

The Balades à Roulettes® (BR®) are short, quiet walks, with a stroller or a small bicycle, or adapted for people with reduced mobility (in a wheelchair), offered by the French Hiking Federation of the Gironde.

Your itinerary


The start

From the car park, go right to go around the largest pond.


Arrived on the second car park, turn right to go around the small pond.

Points of interest

Les sources ferrugineuses de Monsalut

The ferruginous springs of Monsalut