Distance: 40 km
by bike
Duration: 5h
Difficulty : Easy-to-use
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Along this family and bucolic walk, marked by the presence of numerous jalles, astonishing landscapes cohabit: natural and preserved landscapes with the marshes of Bruges; artificial landscapes with the lake of Bordeaux and the atypical layout of the park of Majolan. Marked by a very low elevation, this walk does not present any particular difficulty. On the other hand, plan a whole day to take full advantage of the sites crossed.

Your itinerary


Starting point

The loop begins in downtown Bordeaux, at the level of the water mirror.

Points of interest

Quartier du Tasta

Tasta district

Plage de Bordeaux Lac

Bordeaux Lake Beach

Lotissement Villabois

Villabois housing estate

Réserve naturelle nationale des Marais de Bruges

Marshes of Bruges National Nature Reserve

Forteresse de Blanquefort

Fortress of Blanquefort

Parc de Majolan

Majolan Park

La Vacherie

The Vacherie

Bois de Bordeaux

Bordeaux wood

Parc floral

floral park

Stadium - Vélodrome

Stadium - Velodrome

Stade Matmut Atlantique

Matmut Atlantic Stadium

Parc des Expositions


Quartier Ginko

Neighborhood Ginko