Cultural, Animation and local festival

21st edition: Soulac 1900 makes its cinema!

From 31th May 2024

Rue de la plage, 33780 SOULAC-SUR-MER

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Be careful, it's running, Engine!... Action! The 21st edition of SOULAC 1900 will be held on May 31, June 1 and 2, 2024 and the theme will be “cinema”, one of the major inventions of the last century!! Put on your best costume, and join us in the beautiful seaside resort of Soulac-sur-Mer to relive the era of the first sea baths. Let's pay tribute to all these pioneers of the 7th art, the Lumière Brothers in 1895 who made their first films by capturing scenes of everyday life forever engraved in history, to Georges Miéles who explored the possibilities of poetic fiction and the first special effects, Alice Guy, the first French director, screenwriter and producer, Mack Sennet, one of the most important directors of American silent cinema, without forgetting the actors who, for their part, developed burlesque and comic fiction like Charlie Chaplin.

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