I discover the Regional Natural Parks

The Marine Natural Parks of Gironde

The Arcachon Basin Marine Nature Park

Created in 2014, the Arcachon Basin Marine Nature Park is a real factor of attractiveness. Covering 435 km² of marine area and 144 km of coastline, the park presents a strong natural, landscape and cultural heritage. The perimeter of the park extends over the entire Arcachon bay and on a portion of the ocean coast, between Le Porge to the north and Biscarosse to the south. Many professional and leisure activities are organized there.

The Arcachon Basin Marine Nature Park has as its missions the protection of the marine environment, the improvement of knowledge and the sustainable development of activities. It also focuses on the preservation of cultural heritage, the reconciliation of uses and the awareness of all audiences of the challenges of biodiversity and the protection of the marine environment.

Le Parc Naturel Marin du Bassin d'Arcachon
©La Vélodyssée Aurélie Stapf (porteurdesonge.com) / Maxime Mendizabal (Win Air drone)

Its perimeter encompasses both Atlantic waters up to 3 nautical miles offshore and the intra-Basin lagoon. Born from the meeting of sand and ocean swell with the Eyre delta, this area is continuously shaped by currents and wind. The great diversity of environments (sandbanks, marshes, grass beds, etc.) has allowed the development of exceptional biodiversity. Located on one of the busiest migratory routes in the world for birds, this site is of international importance for various species in winter and summer.

Oyster farmers, fishermen, nautical industries and leisure activities rub shoulders on the site and contribute to the local economy and the maritime culture of the Basin. The quality of the water, the protection of natural resources, the reconciliation of uses and the sustainable development of activities linked to the sea are essential issues in the management plan of the Marine Nature Park. On a daily basis, the Marine Nature Park works closely with the various players concerned in a partnership and concerted approach.

The Pertuis Estuary and Sea Marine Nature Park

The Marine Nature Park of the Gironde Estuary and the Pertuis Sea is a marine protected area whose mission is to preserve the marine environment, improve its knowledge while contributing to the sustainable development of maritime activities.

Created in 2015, the Park covers 6500 km2 of marine space and borders more than 1000 km of coastline in Gironde, Charente-Maritime and Vendée. In Gironde, the towns along the estuary as well as the coastal towns of the northern tip of the Médoc are part of its perimeter. This vast space presents remarkable and fragile wealth in 3 large interdependent areas: the 6 estuaries (including that of the Gironde, the largest in Western Europe), the 3 pertuis and the ocean.

Panorama from the top of the Cordouan lighthouse © David Remazeilles (Gironde Tourisme)

Freshwater and nutrient inputs from the rivers nourish all of the Park's ecosystems. Sandy coasts, rocky tidal flats and vast mudflats are essential feeding, spawning and nursery grounds for many species. Corridor for the migration of amphihaline fish such as eels and sturgeons, the Park is also an ornithological crossroads of international importance.

These marine and estuarine ecosystems are the support of many professional and leisure maritime activities, highly dependent on their good ecological state.

The reconciliation between preservation of biodiversity and sustainable development of activities is at the heart of the Park's action.