Adapted itinerary, Pedestrian

In Lanton, discover the beautiful villas of Taussat-les-Bains

Distance: 2 km
Duration: 1h
Difficulty : Easy-to-use
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The town of Lanton is made up of several towns called: Lanton, Cassy, ​​Taussat and Blagon. A former seaside resort, Taussat-les-Bains is home to magnificent buildings known as "Les belles de Taussat". Landmark of some celebrities who came to relax there on the Bassin d'Arcachon, they contain many secrets. Go meet them, they will tell you their story!

Your itinerary


Departure: Old port of Taussat

Park at the end of the Old Port of Taussat then take the Allée des Tamaris (first on the right towards the city center) to reach the Gardarem Ecomuseum.

Courcy Square

From the Ecomuseum, retrace your steps and join the Allée Albert Pitres. Turn right on this driveway. You then arrive at Place de Courcy.

St. Louis Chapel

Place de Courcy, turn left Boulevard de la Plage. Continue straight until the intersection with Allée Toulouse Lautrec. There, turn right towards the Saint Louis chapel.

Port of Fontainevieille

After admiring the chapel, retrace your steps and continue your walk along the Allée Isabelle (first on the right) to the port of Fontainevieille.

Return to the port of Taussat

From the port of Fontainevieille, take the direction of the beach, turn left and walk along it. It will take you back to the Old Port of Taussat.

Points of interest

Le vieux port de Taussat

The old port of Taussat

Ecomusée Gardarem

Gardarem Ecomuseum

Chalet Albert Pitres

Chalet Albert Pitres


Taussat les Bains

Villa Tamaris

Villa Tamarisk

La villa Sainte Marguerite

The Villa Sainte-Marguerite

La chapelle Saint-Louis

The Saint-Louis chapel

Le port de Fontainevieille

The port of Fontainevieille

La place des cabines

The place of the cabins

Le Centre Castel Landou

The Castel Landou Center

La villa Bagatelle

The Villa Bagatelle